

The Global Strategic Center has defined its goals within the new United Nations Millennium Development Goals (political, economic, and social), which come as globally accepted development pillars and guiding principles for all stakeholders in development. Goal 17 speaks of a “global partnership for development,” emphasizing the idea of creating a common global platform where actors can use their resources together towards a core goal – making the world a better place to live in. To accomplish this objective, the world needs active development leaders that are fighting every single day to make this possible.

The Global Strategic Center has defined its goals within the new United Nations Millennium Development Goals (political, economic, and social), which come as globally accepted development pillars and guiding principles for all stakeholders in development. Goal 17 speaks of a “global partnership for development,” emphasizing the idea of creating a common global platform where actors can use their resources together towards a core goal – making the world a better place to live in. To accomplish this objective, the world needs active development leaders that are fighting every single day to make this possible.

Global Strategic Center (GSC) proudly embraced this responsibility, taking the long-term commitment to peace and development: 2 horizontal priorities that guided the organization’s actions from today and will continue to do so in the future.

As an independent think tank (Think Tank) concerned with issues of public policy, development economics, investment and supports decision makers in countries (governments - the private sector - civil society - regional bodies and institutions in the United States and the world with the ability to provide alternatives to the decision maker by going to Solutions to a specific problem or vision within the framework of a future outlook that helps predict all the issues at hand, to serve as an umbrella that supports the political and democratic process on the one hand, and put forward economic ideas that open up investment fields to the widest doors in all countries of the world on the other hand.

The visionary global strategic center seeks to support building generations by developing future planning capabilities for institutions and individuals through future studies, strategic research and initiatives by uniting the efforts of government institutions, the private sector and civil society to provide political support. Reform in parallel with the economic renaissance A clear and correct understanding of the various issues of sustainable development and future transformations in a scientific and systematic manner with professional support. For researchers according to the needs of society while developing a generation of consultants and investors who can support future studies of institutions

In the Global Strategic Center (GSC) we create the most powerful entity to provide political and economic solutions to achieve peace for all possible countries of the world, realizing that the success of the political process will be reflected in the success of the economy, which leads to sustainable development that leads to stability and peace. All our actions have one direction - to make peace a global priority, by raising awareness and promoting the development of peace as a universal right; By engaging citizens, government, national and international organizations to build global cultural peace; By creating multi-stakeholder partnerships from the local to the global level, in order to enhance the level and quality of freedoms, human rights, dignity, social justice and development peace; By organizing political, economic and social outreach activities that contribute to achieving peace and development in the world; And last but not least - through the exchange of best practices, innovative tools and mechanisms to build the political framework and economic approaches that contribute to achieving stability, maintaining peace and sustainable development. Will you join us on the trip?