Who We Are

“To build nations, we must secure a healthy economy” Capital Investment Holding Group leadership defined the goals within the new United Nations Millennium Development Goals (political, economic, and social), which come as globally accepted development pillars and guiding principles for all stakeholders in economic development.

We are committed as an independent party to support the decision makers in all issues related to the fields of politics, economy, society, sustainable development through working with government institutions, the private sector and civil society in all countries of the world to develop the economy around the globe, which will be through offering tremendous economic and investment opportunities and projects for all the stakeholders in all fields around the globe.



Fund and asset management

We manage investments on behalf of investors. Our Asset Management provides the. . . View More. . . . . .


Investment and finance

Our goal is to add significant value by helping our clients make informed financial . . . . View More. . . . . .


Crypto Currency

Cryptocurrencies let you buy goods and services. or trade them for profit. We offer . . . View More. . . . . .


Banking And Insurance

A hands-on approach to understanding a client s needs. an ability to successfully . . . View More. . . . . .


Gold Mining

First class analytical. testing and consulting services for gold exploration and mining. . . View More. . . . . .


Wealth Strategies

We focus on offering comprehensive financial planning. retirement planning and wealth . . . View More. . . . . .


Guided Solutions

We work on the approach of investing with our guidance and tools to help you stay on track. . . View More. . . . . .


Advisory Solutions

Market Update. Find out what's happening in the market before you jump in. Get behind the . . . View More. . . . . .


Investor education

We offer Timely educational resources for every type of investor.W hether it's personal finance . . View More. . . . . .


Client Solutions

Client investment needs often go beyond pure asset management. Many want an expe­ rienced partner . . . View More. . . . . .


Business Owners Solutions

Owning a business can be rewarding and challenging. We can help you address some of the common needs . . . View More. . . . . .


Investment Partnership

Investment partnership refers to any form of business ownership wherein there would be at least 90% of. . . . View More. . . . . .


Investment projects

When it comes to investment decisions. financing and approvals for major projects. reli­ able . . . . View More. . . . . .


Client Resource Center

Access our resources that help you get the most from your relationship with your finan­ cial . . . . View More. . . . . .


Digital Economy

Internet Economy, Web Economy, Cryptoeconomy, all economic activities (production, distribution, trade) are transformed add offered by. . . . View More. . . . . .


Fintech Strategies

A wide range of use cases across business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), and peer-to-. . . . View More. . . . . .


Assets and Wealth Management

Asset management seeks to leverage an individual's investments . . . View More. . . . . .


Financing and Funding

Financing is defined as the act of obtaining or furnishing money . . . View More. . . . . .

Our Success Story

We have accomplished a lot in the world of economy and investment, and the story of success and achievements continues.



Hours Of Support

Hard Workers