
Global Strategic Center (GSC) Profile

The story of the (GSC) now begins in 2021, when the world was facing major changes in terms of economic challenges, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, related political, economic, and social debates and most importantly - instability and conflict globally. level.

Motivated by a sincere desire to contribute to the stability of the world, Dr. Tamar Al-qolaghassi - founder and president of the company and the organization established the first office in the United States of America, which is what we call today Global Strategic Center (GSC)).

From an individual initiative, (GSC) has evolved into an international non-profit organization with institutional legal status, headquartered in Washington DC, USA.

Step by step, the organization will expand other offices to be established in different global regions. Today we are proud that we are about to have several regional offices:

1) North and South America in Washington, DC

2) Middle East Africa, Khartoum, Sudan

3) East Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

4) for Europe located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Besides, GSC is developing a strong presence in other regions through close partnerships:

The presence in Africa will be through our partner - the African Union, located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Khartoum Sudan, Guinea Conakry

Looking forward to being present in the United Arab Emirates In accordance with the positive changes that are taking place towards openness, there is an act as a link for the Gulf Cooperation Council.

(GSC) will be an active participating member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and work with a global community of businesses and non-profit organizations to preserve our environment, protect human rights, and advance development and social responsibilities

As of 2021, the GSC will develop as a network of more than 200 partners and will implement more than 300 actions and projects. The total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries will increase to 100,000 and the best will come by the end of 2021.

We strongly believe in our vision of positioning the Global Strategic Center (GSC) as the most powerful player in good policymaking, efficient economy, sustainable development and peace and security on the global stage, and through our actions, we are getting closer every day to our vision.

All our actions have one direction - to make political awareness and economic understanding the shovels of peace a priority for the world, by raising awareness and promoting the development of peace as a universal right; By engaging citizens, government, national and international organizations to build global cultural peace; By creating multi-stakeholder partnerships from the local to the global level, in order to enhance the level and quality of freedoms, human rights, dignity, social justice and development peace; By organizing awareness-raising activities and activities that contribute to peace and development in the world; And last but not least - by sharing best practices, innovative tools and mechanisms for peacebuilding and peacekeeping that contribute to achieving stability, sustaining peace and sustainable development.