
Global Strategic Center (GSC) Priorities

Inspired by the Millennium Development Goals, Global Strategic Center (GSC)embraced 2 horizontal priorities that guided the organization’s actions so far and continue to do so in the future. In other words – every single action and activity initiated by (GSC) had and will have the dimension of peace and development present as core dimensions. At the same time, (ACDC) established 4 vertical priorities, that are representing the organization’s focus-areas. The dimensions are designed to fulfill the needs of the societies that we are living in, and at the same time, to emphasize the importance of treating this world’s happenings as real priorities: human well-being, social issues, innovation, and dialogue & cooperation.

Is entitled to grant the (GSC) Peace Label” and (GSC) Development Label” to the initiatives that fulfill the main following requirements:

1. Awareness: promote the ideas of peace and development as global priorities.

2. Action: implement projects and activities that are supporting the ideas of peace and development

3. Impact and results: have significant impact, resulting from the implemented projects.

Global Strategic Center (GSC)

will offer the (GSC)Label” and, (GSC) Development Label” to its partners as a sign of respect and gratitude for the alignment of their actions with (GSC)priorities.

Objectives of the Global Strategic Center (GSC) (Foundations and Principles) long term goals

The Global Strategic Center (GSC) is committed to becoming the most powerful maker of political and economic systems that produce sustainable development and effective peace on the global stage by:

The Global Strategic Center (GSC) is committed to becoming the most powerful maker of political and economic systems that produce sustainable development and effective peace on the global stage by:

1. Strong presence (through operating offices) on all continents, followed by all regions and all countries.

2. Doubling the number of projects implemented annually.

3. Triple the number of beneficiaries annually.

4. Doubling the number of partnerships four times annually.

5. To be recognized as the most powerful maker of the political and economic systems that lead to sustainable development and the maker of peace at the global level.

Medium and Short-Term Objectives of the Global Strategic Center (GSC) Strategy 2025

When? 2021 - 2025

When? GSC Vision 2025

The Global Strategic Center (GSC) is committed to a strong vision and goals set to be implemented by the end of 2025:

1. The Global Strategic Center (GSC) will organize at least 6 annual forums and conferences addressing the themes of each of the four vertical priorities: human well-being through political and economic maturity, social issues, innovation, dialogue and cooperation and the two horizontal priorities: peace and development.

2. The Global Strategic Center (GSC) will establish two functional research centers that will develop scientific projects dedicated to the priorities of the organization.

3. The GSC will establish more than 5 additional regional offices around the world, which will develop activities under the international GSC umbrella.

4. The Global Strategic Center (GSC) will establish its first television channel dedicated to the priorities of the organization

5. The Global Strategic Center (GSC) will focus on deepening the relationship with current partners, and at the same time, it will continue to build a strong relationship with future partners, by leading an international network based on political diplomacy and economic pragmatism for sustainable development.