Investment Approach

Our Investment Approach

Setting your path: You’re unique, and so is your path to reaching your financial goals. We’re here to back you up with big ideas, practical plans, and guidance every step of the way. It all starts with a single question

Setting your path is about building the future you dream about. Together, we'll work on our process to assess your tolerance for risk and create quantifiable, actionable financial goals based on what’s important to you. We'll partner with you throughout your journey, always sharing strategies to help bring you closer to the future you see for yourself.

Where am I today?

First, take time to understand where you are today. We’ll work together to identify and prioritize your needs, assess your risk tolerance, and understand what affects your current financial picture. Factors such as income, expenses and savings all play a part in this. Talking about these factors shapes the advice we offer you and the strategies we’ll build together.

Where would I like to be?

The next step is determining where you want to be. What does your vision for the future look like? Why are you investing? What's important to you? This conversation is very important because we’ll use what we learn to translate your vision into a personal, measurable goal, and develop a written strategy so we can track your progress.

Can I get there?

You know where you stand, what you want to do in the future and how much risk you’re comfortable taking to get there. Now we can help you answer the big question: Can I get there? Together, we’ll analyze what you’re currently doing and determine what needs to change to put you closer to achieving your goals.

How do I get there?

The first three steps tell us your needs, the people, places and goals that matter most to you, your attitude toward risk, your progress toward your goals, and your current investment plans. All these factors not only help create a financial strategy, but also serve as the guiding principles to remind us why you're investing and what you hope to achieve.

We'll take all of this into consideration, along with the investment principles. Then we'll find the investments, protection and services that will get you to where you want to be.

It’s also important that you understand what these investments and services cost. We’ll walk you through any fees before you get started to make sure you’re comfortable.

How can I stay on track?

After building a solid strategy, we’ll work together to make sure you stick to it. And since life can change when you least expect it, we’ll be there to partner with you through all those unexpected events that may happen over time. It’s more than what we do in the office.